Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Let Salaam Baalak Trust Take The Baton To Help Street Children

India may not be the nation of the highest number of poor people anymore but that doesn’t deny the fact that a conspicuous amount of poverty is still lurking around. Still, there are people who are struggling to meet their daily needs. Can we boast of our chests and claim to the world that we are good, we are happy? We can not. Our economy is not developed enough to eliminate poverty totally.

Among all the atrocities that poverty causes, dwelling on the street without a roof on top is worst. Unfortunately, India is a testimony of lives putting up on the streets. On top of all issues, the problem relating to the street children remains perennial. What are we doing to remove it? Are we doing anything for their rehabilitation?   

There are multifarious NGOs that are engaged in working for the abandoned child rescue operations. One of the most phenomenal NGOS among all is Salaam Baalak Trust. Based out of the capital, the NGO is a three-decade-old organization that is working hard to provide shelter, education, food and most importantly happy childhood to the street children. Continue Reading

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